Monday, January 19, 2009

Forbidden Planet... Sweet?

They are commonly called "Forbidden Planet Suite, Parts I and II". they are the bookends to the teaser/trailer that was released in theaters for the Sci-fi Classic, "Forbidden Planet".

What are they?

They aren't on the film's groundbreaking electronic score, by Louis & Bebe Barron. In fact, they don't appear in the movie!

What are they?

They certainly sound kinda 'spacey', kinda like a classic space-opera musical score. If you listen closely to the trailer, you can hear bits & pieces of the the Barron score mixed in.

"That's all very interesting, Harvey, but what are they?"

Well, I'll tell you! They are songs composed by Andre Previn, for other MGM films. 'Part I' is actually the main title music for 'Scene of the Crime', and Part II is the closing credits from 'Bad Day at Black Rock'

And GUESS WHAT? Both of these scores are available on ONE cd, which is available for sale at Amazon.

BUT... as I said above, if you listen closely, you can hear that a creative sound-man at MGM has mixed-in elements from the Barrons' score, along with Previn's tunes, for the trailer. I don't think these songs have ever been released in that form... as a noir-space 'mashup'.

Mashup? Did somebody say mashup? I feel needed again!

Submitted for your approval... my personal recreations, at 192 kbps:

Forbidden Planet Suite, Part I
Forbidden Planet Suite, Part II

Disclaimer: These songs are presented in a form which is unavailable for sale, and provided at a rather low bitrate. It is my intention & belief that offering these as "samples", with the included information & links, will encourage album sales, as I am not offering the full albums, nor the full quality of the songs, nor even a form in which the songs actually appear on the albums. If you like these two samples, please consider buying both scores from Amazon, or your local cd shop, please!

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Blogger Pooky Greyhead said...

Hi ya!

Thank you for the comment. It's always nice to hear from someone with a like mind.

Actually, we tend to get things from Audio Pirate's blog and from a bit torrent site called Mininova (we don't pay for anything either!).

We really liked your "Dave" pieces a lot. Have you posted anything more? We're very curious.

Thanks again for the comment. We hope you like our stuff.

Pook (from StashCasket)

We linked you.

Have a great week.

9:39 PM  

harvey, hey man thanks for stopping by, I love your blog, I added you to my nlog roll,hope you add me too. keep up the great posts and have a happy halloween!..adam

11:16 AM  

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